Many families use credit cards as part of their everyday life. This shouldn’t surprise anyone, as managing your budget often requires using credit. As long as you’re paying the entire balance off by your due date, you’re essentially getting an interest-free loan. Best of all, if you have a rewards …
Rewards Programs
Will Having Too Many Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit Score?
Everything you read on the Internet is true, right? Well, I decided to try something out for myself. I wanted to see how my credit score would be affected by applying for multiple credit cards in a short period of time. So here is a little backstory to how I began this credit card points …
Don’t let Credit Card Rewards and Points Programs Cost you Money!
I'm a big believer in getting all the mileage you can out of free points and programs offered by retailers and banks through credit card rewards and loyalty programs. At the same time, I think even the best savers sometimes need to take a step back and evaluate their purchasing habits as well as …