The last few months of stock market activity has been, perplexing to say the least. We are still facing record unemployment levels that haven't been seen in decades. These numbers will likely subside however, and move closer to more normal historical ranges. This is probable simply due to the …
10 Investment Alternatives to the Stock Market
It's truly unfortunate, but with the advent of COVID-19, many people have seen their overall net worth decline due to market sell-offs. Dividend investors, including retirees, have also seen a deterioration in their investment income as a result of dividend cuts, suspensions or cancellations. A …
Dealing with a Market Crash or Black Swan Event
Bears, Bulls and Black Swans I'm not exactly sure how I would characterize the most recent stock market activity. Nerve-wracking? Perplexing? Humbling? Inexplicable? It seems strangely odd that the market has shot upwards amidst one of the worst downturns in economic activity in recorded …
5 Beaten Down Canadian Dividend Stocks to Consider
With a slowing economy, downward pressure in the global oil markets and then on top of everything the COVID-19 coronavirus appears - stock markets around the world came crashing down, entering into bear market territory. While some people watched their capital rapidly erode, others jumped ship …