Oh boy, we’re into December already – it’s hard to believe that Christmas is approaching quickly after such a long and drawn out year. I’m happy to report our Christmas lights are all up as of a week ago along with most of our neighbourhood. An while we’ll enjoy them for now (even with an early dusting of snow last week), I’m sure everyone is also looking forward to 2021 arriving and leaving this virus behind us (hopefully) by the summertime.
Here is the weekly roundup of articles below.
What Getting a Backyard Fire Pit will do to your Home Insurance | MoneySense
Last week I wrote a piece about how to search for life insurance – so sticking with the insurance theme, I found another interesting article this week on backyard fire pits. This jumped out at me because we’ve considered updating our own backyard living space, possibly with a small fire pit, but hadn’t really addressed the insurance implications. This piece goes over the legality of open fire pits along with how such an addition might impact your home insurance policy. With everyone home and many doing renovations lately, it seems like this is definitely a potential project on people’s lists.
Making the Most of Your Investments | My Money Moves
This excellent piece is a follow-up to another write-up discussing Investing for Beginners. The article expands on the types of things you should be looking at when starting to invest, questions that new investors may have such as “What securities should you own?”, “How much should you invest?” and “Should you keep some of your investment dollars in cash?” A well-balanced take on how to get the most out of your hard-earned income and some of the factors you should consider when investing that money.
Where Can You Buy the Cheapest AA Batteries | Smart Family Money
This article may not be as targeted to our Canadian audience in terms of purchasing options and exact pricing, but there are a lot of good points to consider regarding what to look for when shopping for batteries. Are you aware of the different types of batteries, what brands are better or last longer than others? With Christmas around the corner, there will most likely be a lot of batteries needed for all of those shiny new toys! Make sure you know which ones to get and how to save money in the process.
Dividend Reports Galore
The Personal Finance Blogging Community loves publishing Monthly Dividend Reports – and I love to read them! Here are a few select ‘early releases’ I’ve picked out to share:
Our Financial Life
My Dividend Snowball
All About the Dividends
If you like reading these reports, check out DividendDiplomats, they aggregate a boatload of Dividend Reports every month. If you’re interested in my dividend income report, I encourage you to sign up for my mailing list, where I share the report and holdings that distributed funds each month.
That’s all for the weekend edition; if you have some time, check out the latest articles on the homepage.
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
Thank you for doing the round-up! I especially appreciate the little paragraph you added to the end of each link!